A tool for creating a more intentional sabbath practice

cover of sabbath workbook surrounded by books including the practice of the presence of god, the bible, a journal, and an andrew peterson book

Followers of Christ are invited to rest. We know rest is good, and we crave it. But often, slowing down and implementing rhythms of rest into our lives can be difficult.

Sabbath Guide is a workbook designed to help readers lay a foundation for a weekly day of rest. Through short readings and various activities, the resource walks through a simple Sabbath framework to fill and fuel Christ-followers for the good work God has for them.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

— Matthew 11:28

Why Sabbath?

What does the bible say about Sabbath? Why should we still practice it today? In the first section of Sabbath Guide, you’ll spend time in scripture, examining the establishment and purpose of Sabbath.

an inside page of the sabbath workbook, showing a chart of what jesus does on his sabbath

How to Sabbath

We know we need rest. But actually implementing rhythms of rest in our lives can be challenging. In the second section of Sabbath Guide, you’ll walk through various worksheets to help you create a Christ-centered plan for a weekly day of rest.

the sabbath guide with a bag and a pen

Barriers to Sabbath

Even when we are equipped with a solid Sabbath framework, there can be many barriers to actually sticking with it. The final section of Sabbath Guide will help you identify your main barriers to good rest and determine how to set those things aside in healthy ways.

an example of the inside of the sabbath workbook, showing the section on the barrier of time

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